Diane Franciscovich
My husband, Bill, and I were “part timers” to Cambria the year the Scarecrow Festival made its debut. At that time, and up until we moved to Cambria full time, I served on the Board of Directors for the North Monterey County Chamber of Commerce, ending my tenure as President. Through my involvement, I recognized the importance of Chamber support to local businesses. Therefore, I viewed the Cambria Scarecrow Festival as pure genius. I knew way back then that I would one day get involved and would meet the person whose vision became a reality.
This came to fruition when Bill and I moved to Cambria full time, and I had the good fortune meet the festival’s creator, Taylor Hilden. How could I NOT volunteer for an event that had flourished over the years under the guidance of Taylor? To me this lady walked on water and still does. I must admit, however, I was a bit hesitant to work on scarecrows. I had never excelled in anything remotely requiring artistic ability. My concerns were soon put to rest as I came to know the other amazing ladies involved in Dr. Crow. Everyone was willing to help in any way possible. And, when (notice I said “when,” not “if”) I made a mistake, it was no big deal. I could always paint over it, redress, cover in burlap or create something totally new and exciting. The possibilities were and are endless. After all…..they’re just scarecrows!
2020 marks the third year I will be assisting with Dr. Crow. Although our efforts will be somewhat restricted due to the pandemic, I have faith that we will persevere. I look forward to gathering once again in K Unit as we share Dr. Crow knowledge, stories from past festivals, welcome new volunteers, and explore new and exciting ideas for Cambria’s 12th Scarecrow Festival.
So, come join the fun. Share in the laughter, goof around with new friends, and be a part of the vitality that is the Cambria Scarecrow Festival!